

5531 Uppsatser om Keywords: working woman - Sida 1 av 369

En ny kvinna eller en dubbel slavinna : En studie om arbetarkvinnan under mellankrigstiden ur ett kommunistiskt perspektiv

This essay is about the Swedish working woman in the early 1930s. The empirical data consists mainly of Arbetarkvinnornas Tidning (AKT), a Swedish Communist magazine which was launched in December 1929. A qualitative discourse method has been used. Texts, articles, letters to the editor and reports about social conditions in Sweden and Soviet during the years 1929-1932 has been examined. Soviet women models and ideal types are compared with the image of the Swedish working woman.

Drapering av en illusion : En komparativ studie med utgångspunkt i fotografierna av Leila Khaled och Shirin Neshat

The aim of this paper is to perform a comparative study between the photography?s of Leila Khaled and Shirin Neshat in order to observe if the woman are able to recede from an conventional formation to become the bearer of the veil and not only reduced to that whichneeds to be concealed. From a feministic perspective I have observed how the symbolic of the veil moulds the woman and how the woman in her context moulds the veil.In the description of the news photography of Khaled and the art photography produced by Neshat the mechanisms that lies as a foundation for the modelling of the portraits becomesthe essays primary entrance. Mechanisms that evolve around the creation of the woman as aconcept, a subject shaped for being looked at and the woman?s self-image through others.The textual discourse is visually enhanced through a comparative picture material visually enhanced and explained through photographs by the contemporary artist photographers Cindy Sherman, Catherine Opie, Laurie Simmons, Robert Mapplethorpe and Elin Berge.

Det omedvetna Sverige 2008 : en retorisk analys av Bang och QX

The purpose of this essay is to examine how Elin Wägner depicts the middle-aged woman who lives in the country in Sweden, in the 1920?s. The question at issue is: What problems and what subjects for rejoicing does she raise? My aim is to try to understand the women?s situation, as well as how Elin Wägner describes the situation in her four novels from the 1920?s: Den namnlösa (1922), Silverforsen (1924), Natten till söndag (1926) och Svalorna flyga högt (1929). At the same time I intend to compare the woman of the 1920?s to the situation of women today.I am writing from a feministic literary theory called ?omläsning? according to the description of Gunilla Domellöf.

Elin Wägner : 20-talets kvinnosyn

The purpose of this essay is to examine how Elin Wägner depicts the middle-aged woman who lives in the country in Sweden, in the 1920?s. The question at issue is: What problems and what subjects for rejoicing does she raise? My aim is to try to understand the women?s situation, as well as how Elin Wägner describes the situation in her four novels from the 1920?s: Den namnlösa (1922), Silverforsen (1924), Natten till söndag (1926) och Svalorna flyga högt (1929). At the same time I intend to compare the woman of the 1920?s to the situation of women today.I am writing from a feministic literary theory called ?omläsning? according to the description of Gunilla Domellöf.

Bilden av kvinnan i media : en semiotisk bildanalys av Veckorevyns framsidor1950 - 2000

Purpose/Aim: The aim with my study is to reveal changes in the construction of gender in weekly press over time. To do so I study the picture of the woman on front pages of the Swedish magazine Veckorevyn.Material/Method: Qualitative research method, semiotic picture analysis.Main results: There have been a lot of changes in the picture of the woman in Veckorevyn over the years and the results points to a more objectifying picture. The woman has gone from doing something and actually having a role, to simply being there to be looked at, all passive..

Lärare som ledare : Teachers as Leaders

This essay focuses on how women and the woman emancipation are described in high school history textbooks from the years 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2000, using the theories history consciousness and gender. Two textbooks are analyzed from each period. There are several gender theories, in this essay it is Yvonne Hirdman?s theory concerning woman- and gender history that is used. This means that the woman emancipation and women?s history are analyzed from the perspectives invisible, add, and-, how- and gender history.

Motivation, miljö och lek för läs- och skrivinlärning

Who is the most typical woman in ELLE Sweden (2013)? In this study we investigated the typical woman represented in the Swedish fashion magazine ELLE (2013) for women. Does a typical woman exist in the magazine at all and if so ? in what words and roles is she described in? How is this woman perceived in relation to the male gender? Based on the theory of constructionism; that the gender (i.e. What is female versus male) is constructed in the society and that media has an affect on our physical and psychological well being as well as our behavior and thoughts, the investigation of the female gender representation in women magazines, was of great importance to us.

Läromedelsanalys utifrån ett historiemedvetande och genusperspektiv : En studie av historieläroböcker från 1970-80-90-2000-talen

This essay focuses on how women and the woman emancipation are described in high school history textbooks from the years 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2000, using the theories history consciousness and gender. Two textbooks are analyzed from each period. There are several gender theories, in this essay it is Yvonne Hirdman?s theory concerning woman- and gender history that is used. This means that the woman emancipation and women?s history are analyzed from the perspectives invisible, add, and-, how- and gender history.

Straffansvaret för yrkesverksamma inom hälso- och sjukvården

The purpose of this study is to examine constructions of plaintiff [woman] and the defendant [man] in Swedish rape convictions from 2013. The cases in this study cover acquaintance rape. We also intend to analyze the constructions of the sexes in relations to each other. The study is completed by a qualitative text analysis, with inspiration of a hermeneutic interpretation. The result is presented by four categories: the worthy of protection of the woman, the penalty of the man, the complicity of the woman and credibility.

Konstruktioner av kvinnligt och manligt i våldtäktsdomar : En kvalitativ textanalys

The purpose of this study is to examine constructions of plaintiff [woman] and the defendant [man] in Swedish rape convictions from 2013. The cases in this study cover acquaintance rape. We also intend to analyze the constructions of the sexes in relations to each other. The study is completed by a qualitative text analysis, with inspiration of a hermeneutic interpretation. The result is presented by four categories: the worthy of protection of the woman, the penalty of the man, the complicity of the woman and credibility.

Konstruktioner av kvinnligt och manligt i våldtäktsdomar : En kvalitativ textanalys

The purpose of this study is to examine constructions of plaintiff [woman] and the defendant [man] in Swedish rape convictions from 2013. The cases in this study cover acquaintance rape. We also intend to analyze the constructions of the sexes in relations to each other. The study is completed by a qualitative text analysis, with inspiration of a hermeneutic interpretation. The result is presented by four categories: the worthy of protection of the woman, the penalty of the man, the complicity of the woman and credibility.

Kvinnliga fotografer : förutsättningar i Göteborg för ett professionellt yrkesliv år 1900

The purpose of this essay is to investigate the working conditions of professional photographers at the start of the 20th century. The aim of this essay is to provide a glimpse into this specific time-period with the main question: How were the working conditions for professional photographers? More specifically, this essay will provide a detailed picture that focuses on the difficulties women encountered, when attempting to make photography a legitimate professional career and combined with the traditions as wife and woman.The essay is divided into three main parts. By looking at statistical databases such as Swedish National Archive?s and other recourses, the first part establishes what Swedish society was like after the reforms that had taken place by the end of the 19th Century.

Vem är kvinnan i ELLE? : En kvantitativ studie av hur kvinnan framställs i ELLE Sverige (2013). 

Who is the most typical woman in ELLE Sweden (2013)? In this study we investigated the typical woman represented in the Swedish fashion magazine ELLE (2013) for women. Does a typical woman exist in the magazine at all and if so ? in what words and roles is she described in? How is this woman perceived in relation to the male gender? Based on the theory of constructionism; that the gender (i.e. What is female versus male) is constructed in the society and that media has an affect on our physical and psychological well being as well as our behavior and thoughts, the investigation of the female gender representation in women magazines, was of great importance to us.

Mötet mellan sjuksköterskan och den misshandlade kvinnan

Background:Nurses can meet women who have been victims of abuse anywhere in the healthcare. Healthcare providers have a responsibility to these women, and it requires a broad range of skills to identify the women and thus be able to help them. It is important to see all patients as unique individuals and provide good care to maintain their specific needs. This paper was done to increase the understanding of nurses' experiences in the encounter with the battered woman.Aim:The aim of this study was to illustrate how nurses experience the encounter with the battered woman.Method:Literature review with both qualitative and quantitative studies. Nine articles were chosen to be read, reviewed and analyzed.Results:Three themes and ten subthemes appeared.

Åtråvärda objekt : En gestaltning av troféns materialitet

This thesis revolves around my work Desirable Objects, an installation in glass and other materials, which deals with objectification based on female and animal trophies. The topics included are those that have been crucial to my working process; craft, post-colonial studies and European hierarchical dualism, where woman and nature are seen as connected, but inferior. My motivation has been to get a better understanding of underlying power structures, and put this knowledge in relation to my own work. This process has led me to make a full body casting of my own body as a method of self-exploitation, in an attempt to expose myself to a similar power perspective. By making the dualistic connection between woman and nature, I am commenting a phenomenon that in my view has resulted in a similar exploitation of both..

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